Government Cloud Platform

The Government Cloud platform is a sanctioned cloud platform for all Government Departments at the National and Provincial levels can use to host or deploy  ICT Cloud Solutions.

The Digital Government Act 2022, Part III- Digital Infrastructure, section 25 – Government Leased Cloud Infrastructure gives mandate DICT to establish a cloud platform for National Government Departments and Provincial Governments to utilize to deploy ICT Cloud Solutions and infrastructure.



The “Cloud First” approach will enable National Government Departments and Provincial Governments to have access to current and emerging technologies to further enhance and digitize their respective processes and operational mandates. 

Request for a Government Cloud Account: Would you like to have a Government Cloud Account? Request Now

Share Services under the Digital Government Act 2022, Part IV-Digital Services and related matters. Allows for DICT and other Government bodies to share digital services through the following Digital Service modals

·        Government to Government (G2G)

·        Government to Businesses (G2)

·        Government to Citizen (G2C)

We deploy government ICT services based on the 3 models of Cloud technology.

·        Infrastructure as a Service.

·        Software as a Service.

·        Platform as a Service.


Contact our team to find out more.

AgencyDomain NameStatus
Digital (Digital Government)
Kerowagi District Development
Department of Foreign
Office of the Member for South
National Information
Public Service
Bougainville House of
East New Britain Provincial
Department of
National Procurement
Social Law and Order
Open Government
Department of Provincial and Local Level Gov
Royal Papua New Guinea
Department of Prime Minister & National Executive
National Gender Base Violence
East Sepik Provincial Health
National Fisheries
Nipa Kutubu

Government Domain Name Hosting

The Department of Information and Communication is the mandated department that will administer all Government domain names ( .

It is a requirement for all Government public bodies and Departments to re-delegate  all their domain names( to the Government Cloud Platform.

UNITECH is the sole DNS register for the Top Level Domain Name(.pg) for PNG. DICT will only manage the government domain names(


Contact our team to find out more.

Virtual Private Cloud Features

Virtual Machine are customizable to suite your needs.

Contact our team to find out more.


Web Hosting

The Government Cloud Platform now enables National
Government Departments, Provincial Government and other Government public
bodies to now host and manage their own websites.

All hosted websites are deployed on a dedicated server that can be access through a management panel that you can manage on your own.

All web hosting servers can host websites developed on WordPress, Joomla or Drupal or any of your preferred Content Management Systems.


Contact our team to find out more.

Email Hosting

The Government Cloud Platform now enables National
Government Departments, Provincial Government and other Government public bodies to now host and manage their own Email Services.

AWS Workmail is the preferred email platform that is used to deploy email services Government Departments and. This email service uses IMAP and Exchange Active sync configurations for email

 If you prefer Microsoft Exchange

based email service then you are required to purchase or use your own valid
Microsoft Exchange License. The email service will be deployed within your
private virtual cloud platform (VPC).

Contact our
team to find out more.



Software as a Service

The Government Cloud Platform now enables National Government Departments, Provincial Governments and other Government public bodies to now host, manage and deploy SaaS solutions.


SaaS offering you do not have to think about how the service is maintained or how the underlying infrastructure is managed; you only need to think about how you will use that particular piece of software.

All SaaS deployments will have access to more then 300+ AWS Services built on the latest emerging technology.


The SaaS solutions will be design and architected  by DICT’s Government Cloud technical team or third-party Solutions providers that have been vetted and issued Certificate of compliance (CoC) by the Department of Information and Communication Technology.



Contact our team to find out more.

Platform as a service(PaaS)

The Government Cloud Platform now enables National Government Departments, Provincial Governments and other Government public bodies to now host, manage and deploy PaaS solutions.

All PaaS deployments will have access to more then 300+ AWS Services built on the latest emerging technology.


PaaS Solutions are value added services that allows for API’s or platforms that you can subscribe and have access to the platform’s value-added services.

This encourages digitization and automation of manual processes as well as allow for innovative applications that can be developed by Software or Application developers by citizens and businesses.


Platforms as a service remove the need for organizations to manage the underlying infrastructure (usually hardware and operating systems) and allow you to focus on the deployment and management of your applications.


The PaaS solutions will be design and architected  by DICT’s Government Cloud technical team or third-party Solutions providers that have been vetted and issued Certificate of compliance (CoC) by the Department of Information and Communication Technology.


Contact our team to find out more.




Desktop as a Service

The Government Cloud Platform now enables National
Government Departments, Provincial Governments and other Government public
bodies to now host, manage and deploy Virtual Desktop as a Service.

The Virtual desktop service is ideal for deploying application services that is used across your organization. It allows for Office Applications to be securely accessed at remote places.  Whether you at the District Office, Provincial Office or away on a duty trip overseas, you will have access to all your office applications as well as Data from anywhere.



Contact our team to find out more.

Disaster Recovery Solutions

The Government Cloud Platform now enables National
Government Departments, Provincial Government and other Government public
bodies to now host and manage their own Disaster Recovery Services. We can deploy disaster recovery solutions using the AWS Disaster Recovery Services. The backed up Data are encrypted whilst at rest or inflight.



Contact our team to find out more.


Contact Information

Dept of Information & Communication Technology
PO Box 784
Vision City, National Capital District, PNG
Phone: +675 3250171
Location: Islander Drive, Waigani Drive, NCD

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