Department of Information and Communications Technology

Digital Transformation Summit 2024
1-3 October, 2024 - Stanley Hotel (Kokoda Ballroom), Port Moresby, PNG
The objective of the Digital Transformation Summit 2024 is to establish a collaborative platform where academia, industry, and government stakeholders, with Digital Transformation Officers (DTOs) at the core, can engage in meaningful dialogue, share insights, and learn from each other to drive PNG's digital transformation forward.

Aim of the Summit:
The summit aims to empower DTOs by equipping them with the latest knowledge and tools, foster collaboration among government organizations through shared experiences and best practices, enhance academic curricula to ensure graduates are well-prepared for the modern workforce, and showcase emerging technologies to enable industry professionals to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Office of the Secretary – DICT, Circular No. 5/2024. Click here to download.
Concept Note will be uploaded here.

Draft Program for the Digital Transformation Summit 2024 .

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Registration for
Digital Transformation Summit 2024

Date: 1-3 October, 2024 (Three-day Summit)

Location: Stanley Hotel (Kokoda Ballroom), Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Organized by:
• The Government of Papua New Guinea through the Department of ICT
• Co-hosted with the Department of Prime Minister and the National Executive Council, the Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Department of Treasury, Department of Finance, Department of Justice and Attorney General.


Day 1:
Presentations from Government Leaders, followed by presentations from the Department of ICT on Policies and its journey to date, and ongoing and new digital government initiatives

Day 2:
Value of partnership and collaboration with strategic stakeholders and validation of the GoPNG Technology stack and presentation from Service Providers aligning to Gov PNG Tech Stack

Day 3:
Success stories from public bodies and awareness on the onboarding of public bodies on digital government initiatives

All workshop files will be uploaded here.

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Phone: +675 3250171
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