Department of Information and Communications Technology


Department of ICT Corporate Plan 2024-2027

The Corporate Plan for the period 2024-2027, a transformative roadmap that symbolizes our collective dedication to shaping a digitally empowered future for Papua New Guinea. This plan is informed by the recent approved policies, legislation, and Plans, drawing insights from extensive collaboration, expertise, and commitment from stakeholders across various sectors.

Digital Government Plan 2023-2027

The Digital Government Plan 2023 -2027 is required under the Digital Government Act 2023. The Plan, sets out a non-prescriptive path for the delivery of digital services, a resilient cyber environments, and for establishment and enforcement of digital services standards for public services. The Plan services as a guide for public bodies to take cue from.

National ICT Roadmap 2018

The ‘ICT sector roadmap’ established that there is a shift in ICT development, trends and practices in PNG more towards digitalization. This Roadmap is the first strategic after the National ICT Policy 2009 that sought to update the ICT Policy agenda for Papua New Guinea. The Roadmap identified six strategic pillars that set the basis for the digital transformation journey as now defined in the PNG Digital Transformation Policy 2020.

Contact Information

Dept of Information & Communication Technology
PO Box 784
Vision City, National Capital District, PNG
Phone: +675 3250171
Location: Islander Drive, Waigani Drive, NCD

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