Protecting against cyber attacks, ensuring data confidentiality, managing access control and developing response plans

Cyber Security Coordination

Cyber Security

The PNG National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) protects critical information infrastructure, monitors and responds to cyber threats, provides guidance on cybersecurity, and promotes awareness of risks and best practices. The NCSC is vital for safeguarding PNG's digital assets and promoting a secure digital ecosystem.

Cyber Safety

Cyber safety is important because cyber threats such as hacking, malware, and identity theft can cause financial and reputational damage to individuals and organizations. Cyber safety involves promoting a culture of security awareness and education, which can help prevent or reduce cyber attacks. The DICT works closely with NICTA, the National Censorship Office, and bilateral partners to provide awareness.

Cyber Crime

The Cyber Crime Unit of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary is now colocated with the DICT and we are working toward a partnership to improve the coordination or cyber crime matters with the DICT, telco operators, and various enforcement agencies.

Government Social Media Desk

The Department maintains a register of government social media accounts, ensuring compliance with information dissemination standards. The department monitors accounts to comply with policies, promotes best practices, provides guidance. The Department also provides training to agencies, and works with stakeholders to promote responsible social media use by government.

Contact Information

Dept of Information & Communication Technology
PO Box 784
Vision City, National Capital District, PNG
Phone: +675 3250171
Location: Islander Drive, Waigani Drive, NCD

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