Corporate Plan 2020-2024
Papua New Guinea’s Vision 2050 envisages a smart, healthy and wise society. Therefore, information and communication technology (ICT) is an enabler and a significant tool to realise this vision. Taking cue from this broad vision, the National Strategy for Responsible Sustainable Principles (STARS) and the Development Strategic Plan (2010-2030) and other succeeding plans were developed.
The Corporate Plan 2020-2024 has been written to address changes and challenges posed by the rapid development in the ICT sector and its impact on our economy. It includes restrategizing and adding new dimensions to the Department’s key functional areas of ICT policies and legislations, Digital Government Technology Platforms, Digital Government Office Platform, Digital Government Transformation and challenges facing the Dissemination of Development Information to our communities. These activities will be further elaborated and expanded in the sections covering divisional and individual work plans, setting out specific output for a particular year, and providing the basis for assessment of Department’s performance