Universal Access and Service (UAS) Policy
“This is the Universal Access and Service Policy (UAS Policy) of the Government of Papua New Guinea. It addresses the Government’s objectives of achieving universal access to and utilization of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and related telecommunications services and applications by all citizens, households, businesses, public institutions, and civil service organizations throughout PNG. This revised UAS policy is the first step needed to accelerate internet access
worldwide and help the GoPNG meet its Sustainable Development Goals, grow the economy, and help all people realize their potential.
This UAS Policy builds upon and updates the provisions of the National ICT Act 2008 with respect to Universal Access and Service and provides a basis for any needed amendments to the Act in this area. It also guides the implementation actions of the Government, the Department of ICT, and NICTA with respect to national UAS objectives. UAS Policy is a key pillar to achieving the Government’s digital transformation goals. The goal of this revised Universal Service & Access Policy is to act as a catalyst for action to drive down the price of Internet access, expand coverage to the millions that remain unconnected, and
build the inclusive foundation for a robust digital economy. This revised policy will modernize the UAS Policy and the USAF mandate to build an inclusive, strong digital economy within PNG.
The GoPNG can meet these goals by adopting this revised universal access policy with a modern,
ambitious USAF criteria: commit adequate resources— financial, political, and human — to the USAF to deliver on its mandate; and ensure transparency, accountability, and partnering with the private sector, civil society organizations,
and the technical community“.