Friday 15 September 2023

PNGDF Personnel during their final rehearsal along the Independence Boulevard this morning.
At total of 164 service personnel from the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, RPNGC’s Special Service Division including first responders are set for National Independence parade, tomorrow, Saturday 16 September 2023, to commemorate the country’s 48th Independence Anniversary.
Chief Inspector Luvi Florian, deputy director SSD and parade commander said during the parade rehearsal held along the Independence Boulevard road leading to Parliament, the parade drill went smoothly without any delays.
“The combine parade rehearsal has gone down well and our personnel including members from the PNG Fire Service and St John ambulance service who are also taking part are set for the National Independence Parade.
“The parade is planned for the 16th of September, and is anticipated to be the highlight of the country’s 48th Independence celebrations,” Chief Inspector Florian said.
The 48th Independence Parade RSM, Chief Warrant Officer Silas Benny Huazihembe of the PNGDF overseeing the parade said the rehearsal and parade is part of a bigger event planned for the upcoming Golden Jubilee Independence celebrations in 2025.
“This year’s National Independence parade, we are going to stage will help prepare us and set the tone for the upcoming Golden Jubilee, in two years time.
“Our personnel are excited and happy to be part of the country’s 48th Independence parade which will start after the Flag Raising ceremony on Independence Hill at on 16th September.
“The National Parade will take place along the Independence Boulevard where the disciplinary forces, school students, public servants, cultural dancers and others will also join the parade.
“The Parade will be choreographed for everyone to march along the Independence Boulevard and do a formation at the entrance of parliament for the final program,” Mr Huazihembe said.
The National Parade will start at 7am and will see Ministers, Members of Parliament, diplomats, other distinguished guests and the public attend to commemorate PNG’s 48th Independence celebrations.